Beautiful on the inside: Caring places (IT)

Personalise communal spaces in a participatory way

“Belli dentro: curare i luoghi di cura”  is a project promoted by the Workmos Foundation. It is a public art project that was created to personalise and recreate spaces of common use. The aim is to make room for everyone to recognise themselves and to give each individual a place in which to express themselves and reflect themselves.



The initiative ‘Belli dentro: curare i luoghi di cura’ is part of a larger project supported by the Workmos Foundation Onlus. It is funded by a group of people who see workshops as a relational space in which discussions, meetings and clashes of opinions can take place in an everyday context.

The Foundation proposes to recreate public places, designed to be inhabited and realised in line with the different local communities. The public not only stays and interacts with the group, but also participates by signing, moving objects, proposing formal solutions or indicating needs, memories and experiences. Initially there is a process of group formation, then the group is stimulated to produce a creative process.

In the project “Belli dentro: curare i luoghi di cura” (Beautiful inside: caring for the places of care) the referents are the psychiatric community and the urban context surrounding it.

The aim of the activity is to personalise, in a participatory way, the communal spaces in the Self-Mutual Aid home of the Trento Mental Health Service, so that it becomes a place where each individual can express themselves and reflect.

The project takes place in the Trento Mental Health Service Self-help House.


Artists and citizens with or without psychological distress and users of the Trento Mental Health Centre.